Ratings for Dr. Saud Suleiman


Went to see Dr. Suleiman on a Monday he said my pain was due to an injury to my back and told me I needed a MRI of my back he also ordered some blood work and called with the tests results and stated you are fine you are not in pain everything is excellent he left this message on my voicemail after work on Tuesday I went to the ER I was bleeding internally from the intestines and stomach I ended up getting a blood transfusion on Wednesday. Thanks if I listened to him I may have bled out never ever go to Advanced GI I never have seen the same doctor and none of them knew why I had an ercp, enodoscopy and colonoscopy. They don't listen to you. Don't forget I pay you good money to listen and help me. Not to ignore me and have me bleed out

Submitted Sept. 16, 2019