Ratings for Dr. Maura Stafford


I never normally right reviews but after my experience at the Ballsbridge Medical Centre I feel I need too. I am still shaking from my experience. Having been in agony for with a suspected kidney infection I searched for the closet doctor to my office which opened first thing. I am still on probation at work so didn't want to miss time off. I booked online picking the first appointment 8am. I'll hold my hands up that I didn't notice you needed a confirmation email before turning up for an appointment. But I had searched online at 2am with lack of sleep and booked when i woke up. I also got confirmation my booking form was submitted successfully.
I showed her on my phone how there is an option to book online at 8am and that I "showed up" thinking the appointment would be confirmed and I wouldn't make it in time to the surgery.

But before I had a chance to explain this to the Dr she was angry and had a go at me for just turning up. This went on as she created my patient file, blaming me for giving her the incorrect mobile number. She had an extra digit and couldn't complete the form. But this was my fault of course. She also made a point of asking if I was Ms or Miss and If I drank or smoked. She asked me twice putting it down to her having to fill in two boxes on the form. But I clearly said no to both. I felt like she was trying to make some point her but what type of point I don't know.

As she answered calls coming into the surgery - which I had no issue with she still managed to project her angry at me while I stood at the desk in agony. I too started to get angry back of which I am ashamed I went to her level but being in pain, lack of sleep and being scolded like a bold child would do that to you. She also told me I was wasting time but she was taking calls at the same time as creating my file so how I was wasting time I have no idea.

Eventually I went to give a sample which was hard to do because of the pain and because I was shaking and upset at the doctors attitude. I had asked her if her attitude would impact my level of care. She said it would not and I asked her if it was an older person turning up "out of the blue" in pain would they have received this attitude - no comment to this.

My examination was brief to say the least and I having pulled myself together in the toilet I made sure I was polite, saying please and thank you thinking this would soften the Dr. But no such joy.
Having said all this I do understand I was at fault "showing up". However, dealing with the attitude that was projected towards me from the minute the surgery door opened until I paid and left was uncalled for.
I did feel I should have apologized for getting angry as growing up I've always been told to respect people like doctors, nurses etc which given the job they do I totally get that. However, I really do feel if this was an older person they would not have been subjected to this level of unprofessionalism.
Yes the Dr might be the greatest thing since sliced bread according to some reviews, but when you are a new patient, young and maybe not the same level as clientele (D4) she is use to dealing with you don't get the same level of courtesy.
I am grateful to have been seen and to get some relief from the pain but I don't think it was worth the hassle.
Needless to say I won't be attending the surgery again and would not recommend anyone else to visit.

Submitted Aug. 27, 2018

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