Ratings for Dr. James R. Fulmer


Husband see's a neurologist( Migraines), pain management( Lower and upper Spinal Stenosis) and surgeon( had Rota-tor Cuff surgery back on May 19th). His Pain management dr stopped accepting his insurance causing the need for my husband to obtain a referral as well as someone to manage his meds until he could get into another Pain management center. Since his PCP was only a nurse practitioner he was unable to prescribe the narcotics needed until the PM dr appt so my husband had to go to Dr Fulmer. A few days after his visit the dr still hadnt called in one of the meds he needed refilled( ambien). After 3 calls to the Dr office to inquire, the nurse finally reads what Dr Fulmer had written in my husbands chart. He stated "He wouldn't be prescribing any narcotics because my husband had been seen by three different DR within the past three months!" While that is the truth, all three SPECIALIST were coordinating his care together. While each was treating a specific problem . HE was not seeing 3 drs for the same issue and the SPECIALIST had all been referred when the PCP couldnt handle the problem presented. That is what specialist are for, correct???? Instead Dr Fulmer refuses him his meds prescibed by his past PCP and made the comments in my husbands chart sound as if my husband was a drug seeker and was DR shopping. My husband has followed all the rules of physician etiquette only to be treated like a dope head and have the truth unfairly portrayed in his medical record which will following him in life. Last I heard it isnt unlawful to change PCPs when your current cant handle your care and there is nothing wrong with seeing 3 different specialist who are all each treating different problems. While I am sure there are a lot of Dr shoppers and dishonest ppl that abuse dr care, it isnt fair for the dr to misrepresent the actual fact and documented hurtful things in a patents chart. You need to get your facts straight Dr Fulmer. Fix the slander in my husbands chart . We will follow up with appropriate authorities to have this looked into and file whatever complaints needed. Try getting off your God complex and get on a level with your patients so that you develop trust and communication with them and correctly understand these cases. instead of running to your little computer and checking his dr and pharmacy history...... if you must do that then at least take time to understand its not always as you JUDGE it! Discuss things with your patient like an adult and not cowardly chart what you will not discuss with your patient!

Submitted Sept. 10, 2015