Ratings for Ann-Marie Dassler


This woman literally stole my healthy newborn out of my arms as I held him for about 30 seconds putting him on a completely unnecessary 48 hour hold, pumped him up with two antibiotics , he was covered in bruises, his feet were purple with multiple puncture marks. She absolutely tortured my baby for no reason other than to charge my insurance company for the NICU stay. The baby was completely healthy and she was focused on everything but my baby’s well being. Horrible bedside manner, horrible human being! She interrupted the natural process and caused me not to be able to breastfeed after directing other nurses to feed him formula from a bottle. My baby suffered for a very long time with gut issues from all the antibiotics oh and surprise (not) all tests came back negative just as I argued they would because everything they claimed was completely made up. To be exact, they claimed I ran a fever during delivery, it never happened! They ran a temporal thermometer across my face just after I had been pushing, my face was hot the rest of me was not. I watched as my young doctor was bullied by nurses after exclaiming, “I don’t think she has a fever , she doesn’t feel hot to me and I have my hand inside her.” They argued with me to take Tylenol which I broke in half and put on the table beside me. They came back 15 minutes later, “the Tylenol worked your fever is gone!” The Tylenol was still sitting on the table! There was no fever but Ann-Marie Dassler wasn’t in the business to listening to patients. She just kept repeating, “you don’t take chances with newborns!” Nurse Dassler then proceeded to take every chance with my newborn and I have some pretty gruesome pictures of what they did to take chances with my newborn that include an unbelievable amount of bruises covering his body, blown veins, purple feet from being repeatedly stuck with needles. I begged them to stop. If I could do it all again I’d never have let him out of my arms and I would have left the hospital immediately after giving birth. I was treated like a criminal and it truly felt like a prison where I had absolutely no rights or say what happens to my baby. Let’s just say, I wasn’t “Dazzled” but I am inspired to write a book about it! What Ann-Marie didn’t know is that I sang with a very famous band and I know how to get press. Unfortunately none of this helps what happened to my baby in the NICU but raising awareness about this unkind nurse and what can happen to a new unsuspecting mother in the hands of a woman who was supposed to be the head of the NICU but was more interested in going on Facebook every five minutes than the actual health care of a newborn. I’m sure I’m not the only one affected by this woman’s ego and horrible choices.

Submitted May 29, 2018