Facility Affiliations

Joy A. Bozzo's Credentials

Accepting New Patients

Yes, this doctor is accepting new patients


Dr. Joy is licensed naturopathic doctor in the state of California and an alumnus to National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She offers natural, holistic, and integrative medical care with a focus in autoimmune disease, thyroid conditions, and digestive disorders. She also has special interest in treating children with developmental disorders. She believes in working with each patient to identify the underlying cause of their health condition, instead of just suppressing symptoms. Non-invasive natural treatments are used such as: clinical nutrition, lifestyle counseling, detoxification, and specific vitamin, mineral, amino acid and essential fatty acid supplementation/therapy to support the body's natural healing ability.


  • English


  • National College of Natural Medicine (Grad. 2012)
  • Messiah College (Grad. 2007)