Ratings for Dr. David Greening


I chose Dr Greening as my OBN for the care and delivery of my daughter based on recommendation from my GP and my experience with calling all OB’s offices in the area and asking the same series of questions. His reception staff were the best of the lot!

I was not an IVF patient however friends had used him for IVF with great success. He is definitely not for everyone, he is quirky to say the least and does like to talk about himself, however he is so incredibly knowledgeable and answered all my questions and concerns in a professional and matter of fact way, which I appreciated. Medical Professionals who fluff around and don’t deliver info in a matter of fact way annoy me as I am paying for their time. You do get used to his ways as you progress and TBH you see the midwives more than him. I have some medical issues and my husband had a genetic condition and I was asking lots of questions of him.

His midwives Liz and Kirsten are amazing, as is his admin support team. I had some amniotic fluid leaking issues and he was so great, at the hospital checking me and when it happened again while he was away the backup OB he partners with was there asap and letting him know how I was.

He advocates for a natural birth and is happy for you to birth how you wish, though if it goes pear shaped as mine did he was there in a flash and my daughter was out within 20mins via an emergency c-sec. He made my husband and I feel as calm as possible when our daughter’s birth went wrong and made sure she got out safely. I was even laughing in the operating room!

When it goes wrong you want a Dr who will take quick action, which he did and no doubt saved our daughters life

Submitted Jan. 8, 2024


Dr Greening delivered my second and third child. I was 30 years old when I was delivering my 3rd child. I asked Dr Greening to tie my tubes as I didn’t want to have any more children. I was content with 3.
He refused saying I was too young. I ended up falling pregnant again and my 4th child has a medical and physical disability. I love my child, don’t get me wrong but Dr Greening could’ve saved such heartache and stress.

I did have my tubes tied after having my 4th baby. There are many other obs in the Illawarra who have your best interests at heart. Don’t go through this stress of David - you’ll regret it.

Submitted Feb. 28, 2023


I saw him for two years at the fertility centre. He never remembered us, which would be fine if he remedied this by reading his notes. Every appointment felt like it was the first appointment and I had to explain our issues over and over. Seeing as I am not a doctor, I did not know what to tell him or what to ask - I trusted that my doctor would care enough. We wanted to start IVF immediately, however we wasted 12 months of our lives and $$ being told to "just keep trying" when we knew something was not right. We eventually did 5 failed IVF attempts with him and never received any advice on what to do next or an alternate path despite this being not normal.

By the final cycle, I was beyond disheartened and felt that I was only doing it and paying him to prove to him that there was something wrong. I knew it wouldn't work and we would waste another month. When he did the transfer, he said "congratulations, you are 1 minute pregnant". I normally have a sense of humour but after everything and his attitude towards us, this was cruel.

I had 3 miscarriages under his watch. The second one, I called TFC begging for help, they told me to call my GP, the GP told me to call TFC, who told me to call Dr Greening's private rooms, who wouldn't talk to me because i was a TFC patient (even though I had paid for services at the private rooms). I ended up being told by one of his nurses that my symptoms were normal and to just go about my life normally and wait for a scan - this advice meant that I went about my life normally and had a very gruesome and painful miscarriage in a public bathroom. When I mentioned that I had googled miscarriage symptoms, he rolled his eyes at me - where was I supposed to go for advice when every medical professional deflected me??? nobody cared about me nor wanted to help me.

After my third miscarriage in his care, I was devastated and got angry and said, "I'm sick of doing the same thing". At which point he said, "how many miscarriages have you had?" - READ YOUR NOTES. I didn't think that I needed to tell him about them all because he was literally me doctor for them. This is my life you are playing with.

He then set me a series of tests that I could do. There were about 10 and each was costing hundreds (half of them I had already done but he didn't realise because he refuses to read his notes) because it wasn't covered by Medicare. Turns out, they're not covered by Medicare because they were essentially experimental and not widely accepted among gynaecologists. I wouldn't have minded doing some experimental tests if somebody had explained what they were, but I am deeply offended that there wasn't enough respect to explain things to me.

I am not a doctor; however, I have several degrees and am exceptionally well educated but I am treated as though I am an idiot that is not worthy of any explanation.

One appointment with another doctor had me in surgery and diagnosed with sever endometriosis. My new doctor calls to check in from time to time to make sure that I am well. My new doctor also explains every part of my conditions and possible treatments, and then lets me decide my treatments. Please do yourself a favour and save yourself from needless trauma and confusion. There are doctors out there that actually care about you - I promise

Submitted Nov. 1, 2022


Dr Greening cared for me through endometriosis and infertility. Thanks to him we now have two beautiful children now. His care during the deliveries was wonderful.

Submitted June 22, 2022


I thought long and hard about writing this. Dr Greening is quirky, no doubt. I actually felt quite dismissed when I was meeting him through my pregnancy and when I got a severe kidney infection. I was worried I made the wrong choice as he came off a little uncaring.

Fast forward to the birth of my son. If Dr Greening wasn’t there and did everything he could to get my baby out safe, I would have ended up with a full general anesthetisic and C Cection - even worse an unsafe delivery and my baby could have been harmed.

He may be quirky, and his bedside manner… different… but he knows what he’s doing! And I’m sure my baby is here safe because of his actions. I’ve worked in the medical field for 15 years, and done of the best Drs are similar to Dr Greening, so intelligent that social skills come second…. He is worth every penny for your beautiful baby to arrive safely.

Submitted May 30, 2022


I had an extremely traumatic experience with this doctor. It’s taken a few months to even get the courage to approach this topic again.
I, like many others went to him for IVF treatment. I never met him until my first harvest to which he was late to because he ‘wanted to stop to watch the sunrise’. During my procedure I asked him what was happening on the screen and he said ‘don’t worry you don’t know what you’re looking at’.
After the procedure, the poor nurses kept apologising for his behaviour. These nurses are the only reason I stuck around. They are lovely!
I requested seeing the other doctor at the same clinic for my third round but that never happened either.
My Husband can not have children naturally, and reproductively I am perfectly fine. However, I had three cycles with this clinic. All unsuccessful. I ended up at another clinic and fell pregnant straight away with eggs frozen.
I wish I had read these reviews before booking with him. I would have saved myself so much money and struggle.
Stay away from him.

Submitted Sept. 24, 2021


For the last year we have been seeing Dr Greening and I should have listened to my gut feeling after the our first initial visit. We have been seeing him for over a year and he began each appointment by asking us if we have met with him before. One of the reasons this occurs is because he cannot be bothered to have your file open. I am not joking, each appointment begins like this. At least he's consistent! There is no attention to your actual needs, as every woman has a unique problem and when I raised my concerns, knowing my own body, he dismissed my remarks and asserted that he was the doctor and he knew best. Needless to say, my cycle was cancelled due to the exact issue I had raised with him. We did another cycle. His last words were, I'll get the nurses to call you with your new drugs. I waited a week, which was unusual as his nurses are the most amazing women! This is the only thing he has going for him. I rang the clinic to check what was going on and found out that he didn't even record ANY notes from our last appointment. No wonder they didn't call! Again, needless to say, this also ended up in a cancelled cycle. Basic needs were never met, I am so saddened that it took me this long to stop seeing this doctor. I am sure he is a decent human, but he has failed me so many times, professionally, emotionally and financially.

Submitted July 9, 2021


Two consults I had with Dr Greening and on both occasions I left his office feeling defeated and worthless.

He seemed more interested in my weight loss journey than actually trying to come up with a plan towards my journey to motherhood.

Yes I am obese and I am aware I need to lose weight which I have already lost 50kgs and I do need to lose more. I am trying, but there is nothing stopping us from coming up with a plan, charting things to get an understanding of how my body works. He seemed so hung up on getting my weight down for IVF that he didn’t even offer options for clomid and other assisted reproductive services.

He spent most of the time offering bullshit anecdotes about defective genes and obesity, how he’s so lucky he’s never had to worry about losing weight and he feels bad for me, or so and so who lost weight by eating boiled vegetables, like these were meant to be encouraging. If I wanted weight loss advice I would do to a nutritionist. I came to you for reproductive help.

There were so many other awful things he said to me I could go on bu the knife that really stuck me was his final words to me; “could I help you, yes but the question is should I help you… ‘NO’”

And that was that, over $300 down the drain to be treated like this.

He complains about ‘trolls’ leaving negative reviews, perhaps Dr Greening you need to adjust your approach so less ‘trolls’ are inclined to leave such scathing reviews. I’m a person as we’re those other people you mistreated, with feelings which you on two occasions now have obliterated. I won’t give you that chance again.

Save yourself the heartache find someone else

Submitted June 28, 2021


We are so grateful to have had Dr Greening deliver our baby boy Luca. Dr Greening has a wealth of experience and knowledge in obstetrics, and my partner and I felt at ease knowing that we had Dr Greening monitoring our pregnancy. All the reception staff were super helpful and warming. Overall, we are very happy with our experience and we would use Dr Greening for any future pregnancies.

Submitted June 28, 2021


Dr David Greening and his team and just Amazing. They all go above and beyond for patients and really knowledgeable. The success rate is fantastic and really keep you up to date throughout the whole process. My wife and I will definitely be back to grow our family.

Submitted June 19, 2021