Ratings for Dr. Sarah E. Mcneil


after disclosing the fact that i have no insurance, no job, and am a full time student (mechanical engineering/materials science engineering majors), dr. mcneil (after recommending i see a psychiatrist for the prescription i inquired about) prescribed me a known drug with overwhelmingly poor/low results that would have cost me $795.00 to fill. i also received a flu shot which i had an adverse reaction to, and am now sick and unable to complete the ridiculous workload of studies i have. as a general practitioner, she claimed she was unable to prescribe such drugs as adderall, which is a complete fallacy; i don't think she took the time to understand my situation and left it at face value, assuming i was merely trying to obtain drugs for recreational use. essentially, i bought an expensive cold, passive-aggressively received a prescription that was un-fillable, and lost precious time after booking and paying for this appointment a month in advance. thanks.

Submitted Feb. 2, 2013

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