Ratings for Dr. Marshall T. Poole


Dr. Poole makes a great first impression. Good looking, charming with small talk, knowledgeable in his field. Once he starts treating you, you find out his bedside manner is very poor. He makes snap decisions about you, and it is difficult to change his mind, even when confronted with the facts.

My wife underwent extensive rehab, and when she complained that something was not right, he refused to listen. Several days later she ended up having to have 4 additional surgeries, and when he went over the previous x-rays a second time, it was discovered she was right all along, and he had missed vital info.

He will twist your words and throw them back at you in order to prove his point, and will ignore you when you try to reason with him.

My wife had four different specialists helping her, plus a primary care physician, and each of them recommended specific action for her besides Dr. Poole. This caused much friction and confusion. Be very cautious when dealing with him.

Submitted July 19, 2021

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Marshall T. Poole's Credentials


  • Michigan State University College Of Human Medicine (Grad. 2008)