Ratings for Dr. Alan C. Bean


This provider is one reason people avoid healthcare. He was arrogant with an astounding lack of critical thinking skills. His lack of curiosity and ability to perform due diligence bordered on negligence. He appears to follow an algorithm in his decision making process without taking into account additional relevant factors and views his decision as infallible. When attempting to bring this to his attention his response was condescending and dismissive. He's precisely the last type of healthcare worker you'd want involved in your care and with any influence over your well being. Apparently his ego is too fragile to acknowledge that his decision could be second guessed or incorrect and when confronted he was apathetic and dismissive stating he has no accountability to the patient in front of him and his sole purpose is to ensure the hospital does not incur responsibility for any potential future injury. Without taking into account work history. Awfully arrogant.

Submitted March 12, 2023

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