Dr. David D. YEH

3.9 ( 3 reviews )



Ratings for Dr. David D. YEH


Yes, do your homework when looking for a surgeon, and read real-life reviews because we’re talking about your long term health. I was not diligent about selecting my first surgeon; my first spinal surgery put me through crippling pain that nearly tore apart my relationship with my loved ones and caused me years of misery. Other doctors said that I had “Crushed Body” syndrome and would have to live with it. After moving to the South Bay and doing my homework and getting recommendations, I saw Dr. Yeh.
These recommendations came from a number of sources, acquaintances who were in the field, other doctors and my physical therapists. Dr Yeh reviewed my case over a four-month period, until he had a plan, which included revision of the previous surgery to S1 through L3 and an additional fusion to L2. He also did micro-surgery to the spinal column removing scaring and calcification that the previous surgeon didn’t and wouldn’t have considered.
The contrast between recoveries was dramatic; I knew the moment I woke up that crushing pain was gone. I was walking again the day of the surgery, something I was barely able to do for weeks after the first one. Much of the pain caused by the first surgery is relieved and just three weeks out I’m walking the dog, mobile in the household and realizing that pain medication will not be a part of my life. I am happy to say that I would stand up for Dr. Yeh and his abilities at any time and I thank him for my life, my health, my piece of mind, and my relationships back.

Submitted Oct. 5, 2014


Yeh is a HACK! He recommended lumbar surgery with great confidence, and I have become as a result of said surgery a virtual cripple! Weakness in the lower extremities and numbness in the lower leg and foot were immediately evident post-surgery, and he and colleagues have been throwing a smoke screen to hide his failure ever since. This is a serious breech of medical conduct, and is about to be presented as a grievance to the California Medical Board and other institutions. Surgical revision, by someone who is actually competent, is most likely the only recourse. He is a good salesman, but he misrepresents the intended surgical procedures, his level of competence, and recovery scenarios that are pure fantasy. Find someone competent.

Submitted Sept. 15, 2014


Dr. Yeh was great !! I was in so much pain he saw me right away explained everything about where my pain was coming from gave me my options which was surgery. And a week later had surgery to my spine. Two weeks later I was feeling way way better. He is GREAT !!! Would recommend him to every one.

Submitted Sept. 20, 2013

Facility Affiliations

Dr. David D. YEH's Credentials


  • Saint Louis University School Of Medicine (Grad. 1999)

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

Other patients have successfully used these insurance providers, please call the Doctor's office to find out if your insurance plan is accepted.
Blue Cross / Blue Shield