Dr. Anabel Y. Natali

1.8 ( 1 review )

Ratings for Dr. Anabel Y. Natali


Dr. Natali is now at Family Health Center Dental in Lehigh Acres FL. Cavities were found, new ones, so far very small and easily fixed. Other dentists there had no problem filling cavities before, even though I had perio problems and some bone loss. I can bite into anything and chew anything as I am right now - and it's been this way for a very long time with no real change.

Natali will not let the dentist under her fill my cavities! Imo, this is malpractice, it is insane. POOR PEOPLE go to the Family Health Clinic. She is strong arming me to go to "Specialists in Periodontics" she even had a referral form from this outfit all ready - she is trying to force me to go there. She is REFUSING to let anyone do my cavities! The excuse is that my teeth might eventually fall out. I've had this perio bone loss thing for decades and the teeth did not fall out. I can bite into and chew anything as I am now. But leaving me with cavities, I think that's malpractice. It's INSANE.

This specialist she is trying to force me to go to do not even do perio scaling and root planing – and they said that it is strange that I'd be made to go there BEFORE having the perio scaling and root planing done and cavities filled first. They even called Family Health to discuss this. Natali's excuse is that I already had the perio scaling/root planing done last year - yes, but that was LAST YEAR.

To top this off, they were told prior to all this that I have a heart condition and vascular issues that I have to get taken care of this month. I left that office in tears, so stressed out I didn't know what to do. And again, Family Health Centers is where POOR PEOPLE GO for dentistry. Letting a person out, refusing to fill cavies, is malpractice; it is insane. That’s like not doing a simple heart procedure because the heart might fail next year; meanwhile, it is known that the heart will only get worse if it’s not done. The logic is the same. If she doesn’t do the small cavities, they’ll DEFINITELY get worse, get abcessed, which can lead to infection that can kill. Same illogic. She is a madwoman.

I can seriously imaging a very angry patient doing something a LOT more severe than simply writing up a negative review exposing what this mad woman did.

Submitted Jan. 11, 2015

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