Ratings for Dr. Laurie E. Blach


Dr Laurie Blach “reviewed” my radiation therapy request for evicore and denied therapy for me stating “your current treatment plan appears to include the lymph nodes in the middle of your chest... however, there is no reason to do so...”
If this doctor ever read my chart she would know it is NOT in the plan to treat my lymph nodes. Infact, my cancer is outside of normal breast tissue and the location of the cancer is in the middle of my chest! I am 35 yo and Dr Blach has denied me treatment that will forever change my life. I am so disappointed that I have no choice in choosing another doctor to review my treatment. I would never trust Dr. Blach to treat me or my family. She clearly doesn’t care to really review my chart!! At the very least she could have written a knowledgeable statement for denying my claim.

Submitted Dec. 5, 2017

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Laurie E. Blach's Credentials


  • Brown University Program In Medicine (Grad. 1991)