Ratings for Dr. Charles S. Polley


Dr. Polley is rude & insensitive. Dr. Polley is an ER doctor. People leave his care in tears or very angry. Personally I would rather not be treated for an ailment than have him treat me. I know of several people who won't go to the ER even when they need to because they don't want to be treated by him. He is so focused on his personal beliefs of drug-seeking behavior in patients that he assumes that is what you want whenever you need pain medication when coming into the ER. He chastises people who come into the ER who are coming back in based on their doctors advice or the advice of his collegues in the ER; if he doesn't agree with the tests they need or the medication they need. Dr. Polley doesn't listen to anything his patient's have to say. I have personally viewed & experienced this behavior. In my opinion, he is the worst kind of dr. He is inflexible, doesn't listen & gives off the feeling he just doesn't care & your wasting his precious time.

Submitted April 17, 2013

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Charles S. Polley's Credentials


  • Texas A & M University College Of Medicine (Grad. 1993)