Dr. Omid Kiarash

4.4 ( 27 reviews )





Ratings for Dr. Omid Kiarash


Excellente service, professionnel, attentif et super. Merci

Submitted Oct. 28, 2017


Amazing doctor! He does not make you feel rushed. He gave me all the time I needed to ask all my questions with my husband. The surgery took longer than planned because of the resorption inside my tooth. Dr. Kiarash and his staff stayed late for me to remove all the small pieces of my tooth and all the infection. He removed my tooth in the back, grafted my sinus and placed my implant all in one appointment! Thanks to his technique I won't need a second surgery like most people. My dentist is very happy with my healing as well. The coordinator called me the day after my surgery and asked how I was. Every time I go in for a follow up everyone is smiling and makes me feel welcome. He runs a little late most of the time but I think it's because he gives all of his patients all the time they need. Just like he did with my husband and I. My husband is now going to see him for his gum graft. Thank you Dr. Kiarash!

Submitted Oct. 18, 2017


Mauvais pressentiment suite à ma première visite pour consultation seulement. Lors de ma prise de rendez-vous, j'indique que mon dentiste a déjà les radiographies de la dent concernée, et leur indique de communiquer avec eux pour leur envoyer (c'est quand même mon dentiste qui m'a référé à eux). Quelques jours plus tard, on m'appelle pour me demander s'il est possible de devancer le rendez-vous. Pas de problème, et je leur demande s'ils ont reçu les radiographies de ma dent. La personne au bout du fil, qui aurait le titre de 'coordonnatrice', m'indique ne pas avoir été capable de les joindre. Sitôt raccroché, je contacte mon dentiste et sans problème, m'indique qu'elle va les envoyer. Je rappelle la 'coordonnatrice' pour m'assurer qu'elle les a reçues, et c'est bien reçu. Je doute donc assez fort qu'elle ait même tenté de contacter mon dentiste (mensonge 1). Je lui explique donc que j'ai reçu des radiographies au thorax il y a moins de 6 mois et que, si possible, je ne veux pas être exposée inutilement aux rayons X. Elle tente de me faire croire que les rayons X ne sont pas plus dangereux que mon four à micro-ondes et/ou un cellulaire ! Comme si c'était le même type de rayon ! Et c'est pour cela que l'hygiéniste sort de la salle pour prendre les radiographies !! (mensonge 2). J'arrive à mon rendez-vous, puis l'hygiéniste vient me chercher (en supposant qu'elle soit hygiéniste...). Elle me dirige donc directement vers la salle de radiographie sans la moindre explication. L'atmosphère semblait plutôt tendue et les 2 hygiénistes que j'ai croisés, et la réceptionniste, n'avaient pas le sourire facile. Je lui indique donc que j'ai envoyé des radiographies et que je voudrais savoir ce qu'il ne va pas avec celles-là. Elle me dit que les radios ont été prises il y a 1 an et qu'il se pourrait que la dent ait 'travaillé', donc qu'il faut en reprendre. Argument plausible, je ne conteste pas, mais cela vient de l'hygiéniste... Un autre hygiéniste (tout aussi peu souriante) me dirige donc vers la salle de consultation, puis repart sans me dire qui je suis sensé attendre. J'attends quelques minutes, puis c'est la 'coordonnatrice' qui arrive, en robe et sandales de plages. Je lui demande en quoi mes radios que j'avais envoyés ne sont pas corrects, puis de me dire la même chose que l'hygiéniste: radios datent d'un an, donc peut y avoir du changement depuis. Ok. Elle expose donc les nouvelles radios sur grand écran, et de lui demander s'il y a des différences avec les radios reçues de mon dentiste: pas de différence. Elle se met donc à interpréter mes radios et de m'indiquer qu'il est très probable que seule de la gencive sera à enlever, et qu'il n'y aurait pas à toucher l'os. Elle m'indique que la Dr. Sara viendra me voir sous peu. Je demande: Ah ! Ce n'est pas le Dr. Kiarash? Elle m'indique que le Dr. Kiarash ne pouvait pas être là aujourdhui mais que Mme Sara a autant d'expérience que lui. Elle repart, puis la dentiste arrive au bout de quelques minutes. Elle me demande en premier si je parle anglais (erreur 3) alors qu'il est évident que je suis francophone. Elle m'indique que l'os arrive par-dessus la carie et qu'il faudrait for probablement retirer aussi de l'os (dans un demi anglais-français). Hors, c'est qui cette coordonnatrice qui se permet d'interpréter les radiographies ??? (Erreur et mensonge 4) À la sortie, je paie donc la consultation (125$) et tends un coup d'oeil aux diplômes affichés: La Dr Sara reçu son diplôme environ 6 ans après le Dr Kiarash donc, pas la même expérience. J'ai pas de problème à ce que Dr. Sara soit plus récente dans le domaine, mon problème est le mensonge: ne me dit pas que c'est la même expérience pour les 2: mensonge 5. Donc, je suis sortie en ayant l'impression d'avoir été prise pour une cruche et pas du tout mise en confiance. Heureusement, mon problème n'est pas urgent à régler, et je me permettrai de 'magasiner'.

Submitted Aug. 28, 2017


Worst experience of my life. Nothing prepared me for what i was going to go through. First I have to say that this dentist seems to be actively searching for clients which is bad news. I went to meet with what I thought was an orthodontist but realized after this ordeal from another surgeon that it was a "orthodontics consultant". In any case this guy recommended me dr Kiarash. He said : "people think we get a kick back when we recommend a collegue but it's just to make communication easier "... No comment. First appointment (consultation) at the office lasted over 2.5h!!! And they weren't even done. Plus had X-ray done at the orthodontist consultant a few weeks prior and told them I had some already but they went ahead and did another round because "it's already included in the price". What is that putting people trough unnecessary exposure to X-ray! I've been told there would be discomfort for about 2 weeks and that I could go back to work after 2-3 days. I had 6 gum graft 3 teeth side by side on both side. After 5 days my face was still swealing and about the size of a pumpkin with 2 black eyes. I thought I was going to loose my mind. Called many times at the office never spoke to the surgeon again just his office coordinator that sent a prescription for painkillers by fax to the pharmacist. I went to see two other periodontist and they say they never saw anything like this. And have to say that the coordinator told me it's because I didn't put enough ice! Result it's been 5 months now. My teeth on one side have moved causing headaches and one of them is loose. The graft looks good according to the other experts but sensations are still weird. Took about 3 months for the bruises to disappear. Wore sunglasses for a month. Lastly totally overcharged. I've been told by another surgeon that usually when there is more then one graft next to each other the price is 'per zone" not per teeth as he did! Was supposed to have 6 more graft at the bottom according to him but the ither surgeons I consulted said no more than 2-3. Felt butchered and betrayed. Pleased shop around before trusting.

Submitted June 30, 2017


Highly recommend Dr. Kiarash. He takes his time to explain and makes you feel like you are the only person that matters. He took the time to listened to all of my concerns without making me feel rushed -unlike the other periodontists I had seen before him. Very patient and made me feel fully assured and confident. His staff is great and makes you feel at home. Other periodontists had told me I was going to lose all my teeth and wanted to sell me dental implants. Instead Dr. Kiarash saved all of my teeth. I had the non-invasive perio treatment with IV sedation. He treated all of my teeth in 1 appointment. I woke up and it was all done! didn't even realize when the treatment started and ended. All my teeth are solid now and no more mobility and no more bleeding. My dentist is amazed at the results every time I go for my cleanings. If your gums need treatment and you are nervous to see the specialist like I was, you must go see Dr. Kiarash.

Submitted Sept. 12, 2016


Le Dr. Kiarash sait mettre en confiance. Il explique toujours avant de faire ou non un intervention. Je le conseille fortement.

Submitted April 26, 2016


He is always smiling and reassuring. I had already seen 2 other periodontists but Dr. Kiarash is different. I was always scared of the dentist. He took the time to meet with my husband and I to explain everything to us. He answered all of our questions. My husband and I have complete confidence in him. I had the full mouth laser gum treatment with the iv sedation. I woke up and everything was done! If you are as scared as I was from the dentist, I highly recommend you go see him.

Submitted Jan. 2, 2016


Je vous recommande Dr Kiarash comme parodontiste, il est exceptionnel, consciencieux,toujours de bonne humeur, est à l'écoute de ses patients.

Submitted Aug. 23, 2015


He is AMAZING!!! I had 6 implants placed, he grew bone in both of my sinuses. I have always been scarred of the dentist and that's why I kept avoiding to go to the dentist. He offered IV sedation to me to help me relax. It was AMAZING!!! No pain, no discomfort. very little bruising afterwards under my eyes like he had told me in advance. The staff is also AMAZING, the coordinator called me on a Saturday to check up on me! I have my brand new teeth on my implants now and I love them! If you are anxious or scarred of the dentist like I am, then you must go see Dr. Kiarash and ask for the IV sedation.

Submitted July 2, 2015


Very knowledgeable and great at explaining my condition and the required treatment to me. He took all the time I needed to answer all my questions without making me feel rushed. Super friendly staff. Highly recommend him to anyone who needs gum grafts.

Submitted June 26, 2015