Ratings for Dr. Lisa Mofle


doctor mOFFLE is the best doctor our community has ever had!!! I am upset and frusrated that because of a certain doctor that has done alot wrong and tried to make this doctor out to be a bad person when in fact this doctor has my and many other support because of the way she goes about her constant way of being like a mother type and has worked with I don't know where to even start cause my thyroid problem i found out was bad , testarone level down & Have finially bee able to get out of bed instead of feel ing sick 99.9 % of the time!! I STONGLY RECOMEND HER TO ANYONE WHO NEEDS A GOOD HEALCARE PROFEESIONal! I also think the community of Webster City should pull together and help her in anyway we can cause we dont't wan't her to work at a clinic who worries about how long she spends with a patient she does a thourough exam!for a ct scan and blood work & IF NESSASAA FULL WORK UP! quality health care and not just the in outfind out what is wrong with you!Thank YOU YOU ARE ONEIN MY BOOK

Submitted Nov. 21, 2006

Facility Affiliations

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

Other patients have successfully used these insurance providers, please call the Doctor's office to find out if your insurance plan is accepted.
Medicaid / Medi-Cal