Ratings for Dr. Gregory Funk


The worst doctor's appointment I have ever had. I went to him with horrible back pain due to two herniated discs, one of which presses on my sciatic nerve as well as pre-diagnosed Narcolepsy, anxiety, and depression. He had me take needless "tests" to see if I was bipolar despite my pre-diagnoses by people who were far more capable of making those distinctions. When I told him about my back he immediately assumed that I was just looking for opiates (I was not) and went on about how he did hard work despite having his own herniated discs. He then switched my Paxil to a new med because paxil apparently makes you fat, which is something Dr. Funk just can't handle. Found out from another of my doctors that switching my meds was not only dangerous, but I was on Paxil not only to treat my anxiety and depression, but OCD as well, which the new med could NOT do. In the end he told me that ALL of my issues could be solved by: trying harder, losing weight (told you he had a problem with weight), and FINDING GOD. He wrote me a "prescription" for a book he wanted me to read and also gave me a Christian book. While I have no problem with others being religious, I am an atheist and I want my medical care to be scientifically oriented, I don't want my DOCTOR to tell me to pray the pain away. Needless to say I NEVER went back to him. I found a orthopedic surgeon and pain clinic and have had surgery and will have more surgeries. Other doctors have looked at my MRI and acknowledged that, YES, that would cause a lot of pain. I am still in pain, an dI am still going to doctors for help to be a more productive and healthier person: Dr. Funk is NOT this doctor.

Note: Dr. Funk is also prone to off-color jokes which may bother some people.

Finally, I also want to mention that he saw my husband, who was and is too upset with his treatment to even want to write a review. My husband has been in MANY car accidents, has a really bad back as well as arthritis. Dr. Funk pushed on my husband's back without any sort of scans (MRI, X-Ray, or otherwise) to know what was really wrong. Even when my husband told him to stop he would not. My husband was in extreme pain for DAYS and so traumatized by the experience that the thought of seeing Dr. Funk again really upset him.

Submitted April 18, 2018


He has been my doctor since the middle 1980's and works with me to keep me on my feet and walking even with my bad back, he is an excellent diagnostician and has never been anything but kind and gentle with me. Appointments are not always about getting drugs but fixing or coping with what is holding me back from my normal routine. He can have a backup in the waiting room and I have waited several hours at times but that is because he is taking his time with each patient. I would prefer that to someone that is always so punctual that he can't have the time to talk with me. I wouldn't change docs for the world and he is not a chiropractor, he is an osteopathic doctor. There is a major difference.

Submitted Oct. 2, 2015

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