Ratings for Lynda Fields


This lunatic nerds to be fired. I thank God I am not the only one who realizes how worthless she is. I never have had a physician let alone a NP, not let me speak, yell in my face, laugh at my PCP notes, take me off all my meds, place me on crazy high medications that made me sick, and wouldn't listen when I tried to tell her otherwise. She then proceeded to change her mind about my diagnosis of 10 years and diagnose me with "neurological" problems. She told me I did not need pain management. What an idiot. Don't tell me I've been faking for 10 years. I then called her rude and the meanest, under educated doctor I have ever seen, and i dismissed myself. I received a letter that said THEY dismissed me for not taking medications that she prescribed me that made me ill, (had even brought them all for a count) and for refusing an injection I had never set up! Now it seems to me there is a reoccurring people with this satanic human being and needs to be complained to the medical board. She has also made it hard for me to see another doctor because of her lies on my record.

Submitted Dec. 16, 2014


I was refered to Lynda after making a complaint on another doctor/APNP at the pain clinic. Lynda had treated me like she was God and I was an extreamly low life form. She NEVER once treated me for the 4 buldged discs in my low spine, but said I was faking. She took me off all my meds and made it extreamly difficult to find anyone to treat me. After 4 months, I am still having problems. I recommend NOBODY see her! I also had her tell me to go against my surgeon and have a spine stimulator in. She said it was my choise but if I refused (which I didnt, but she put in my reports that I refused all trearments) I was no longer welcome in the clinic. I said I had to talk to my surgeon first so then she took me off all my meds and said I was done. Very rude to not only me but my family members also including my 4 year old grand daughter I had with me. Lynda should not work with any human for she has no compassion for what they have going on. I didnt choose the pain, but she did for me.

Submitted Jan. 7, 2013

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