Ratings for Dr. Julie T. Wheeler


Dr. Wheeler verbally insulted me, my economic status and implied that I did not have the genuine medical condition that I was concerned with. She did, however, document multiple diagnoses from my past (over 3 years prior ago)that were NOT applicable to my situation, in order to support the fact that she had NO intention of treating the medical condition that I informed her of. She did NOT know that I had seen a doctor the week prior to my visit, who confirmed that my injury WAS IN FACT legitimate. The doctor who saw me (who did confirm my injury) advised me to see my primary care doctor for a follow up and x-rays. Dr. Wheeler pitched a verbal fit, raised her voice multiple times (loud enough for other patients and staff to overhear) and offered no effective solution to my medical condition. I left humiliated, in tears and still in a great deal of pain. I was scared to walk out of the exam room because of the incident. She has a genuine misunderstanding of both ethics and empathy.

Submitted Oct. 8, 2013