Ione Bissonnette

5.0 ( 1 review )





Ratings for Ione Bissonnette


This review may be a bit late but none the less important. 24 years and 3 months ago, a scared girl showed up in labor at Brigham & Women's hospital. Hours later, I was holding my gorgeous baby girl, Sarah. Ione was their to catch us both with a kindness and calmness I remember to this day. Several years later, she was on duty at Newton-Wellesley when I had the more comlicated delivery of my son, Andrew (He had the cord around his neck and was in the occipital posterior [face up] position). Again, Ione was gental and reassuring during what seemed like an eternity of pushing. In fact, it was not until my son was in my arms that I realized Ione had been scheduled to go off duty 2 hours earlier. Without a word, she had stayed with me to the end to support a weary and exhausted mom; even though this made her late to visit a sick family member.
Today, my daughter is 40 weeks pregnant with my first grandbaby, Elliott. As I reminisce about her birth, my thoughts go to Ione. Now, almost a quarter of a century since I first met her, I am writing this review. If you ever have a chance to share your birth experience with Ione, grab that opportunity with both hands. She is a a rare and beautiful gem!

Submitted Aug. 28, 2018

Facility Affiliations

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

Other patients have successfully used these insurance providers, please call the Doctor's office to find out if your insurance plan is accepted.
Blue Cross / Blue Shield
  • BCBS Massachusetts
Coventry Healthcare
  • Coventry Health Care