Ratings for Dr. Jennifer Sparks


The number of positive reviews for this provider has me very surprised. My experience with Dr. Sparks was horrific and extremely traumatizing.

During the delivery of my second baby, Dr. Sparks took over my delivery with her own agenda. She did not communicate with me in any way and chose to do what she wanted without me. She never once asked me how I was doing or feeling or if I was in pain. She did not let me know important information that would have helped my delivery, for example, my baby was in a sunny side up position, which could make for a harder delivery. She put me on my back when I said I didn’t want that. When my baby’s heart rate dropped, she immediately insisted I’d need an emergency c section or she’d have to use a vacuum to get the baby out quickly. There was no reassurance from her when my baby’s heart rate stabilized. She stopped speaking to me after I chose the vacuum assist. Then she performed an episiotomy on me without speaking with me when my baby’s heart rate had stabilized so it wasn’t an emergent situation. There was no discussion and no verbal consent and she didn’t even say she was doing it. I’d had no pain meds or epidural so this was the most painful part of my delivery.

After speaking with patient relations, they suggested we schedule time to speak with Dr. Sparks and we did. She had no empathy for the fact that she caused me so much distress. She clearly didn’t take anything in to change how she practices moving forward and instead tried to gaslight me telling me that she remembered my delivery better than I did (3.5 months later). They also placed blame on me for being upset about the episiotomy being painful because I declined an epidural. She also had the nerve to talk about how she missed out on her bonding time she usually gets with the parents because we had our doula take our first family picture instead of her.

Instead of being communicative and working with me to deliver my baby, she took over, made her own choices and did not allow me to deliver in a way that made me feel comfortable in any aspect. I delivered in distress due to her inability to treat me as her patient. It’s horrific what she did to me and she won’t take any accountability for it.

Grand View Health specifically details out their patient rights and responsibilities on their website and my patient rights were violated. This provider faces no repercussions for this except that my complaint has been documented.

Submitted Oct. 26, 2022

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Jennifer Sparks' Credentials

Accepting New Patients

Yes, this doctor is accepting new patients


  • Lake Erie College Of Osteopathic Medicine