Ratings for Dr. Fiona Lindo


Unable to perform the procedure that other Drs perform, seems arrogant and lacks compassion and understanding. Made a lot of notes in my medical records that reflect her personal opinions and are not helpful . Cannot listen and misstated what I told her about the procedure that I wanted to do and made it look like what I asked didn't make sense .
She wanted to invite the nurse to witness the exam and I was uncomfortable with that, so she also made a lot of notes about what she thought about that in my records and how that makes me "uncooperative". Look up the definition of "cooperative". It does not mean allowing others to do whatever they want to even if it is against your belief or makes you very uncomfortable. Sacrificing your comport and beliefs is not cooperation, that is called unhealthy approval seeking. If she is that afraid to have a conversation with a patient without a witness that makes me wonder in her competence level as a surgeon.
Also made remarks about a cosmetic surgery I had on a different part of the body that was completely unnecessary and brings no value to be mentioned in my medical records for the type of condition I came to see her for.
It looks like she tries to write notes in such as way as to stretch the truth, make objectionable statements about things she failed to understand and add her personal opinion to make a patient sound unreasonable as if she is trying to protect herself in case she messes up a surgery, so she can use this kind of records against the patient. On the other hand she highlights how much time she spent with they patient and makes herself look very good an thorough by her own word. Be aware. Wasted my time but will at least let others know.

Submitted Sept. 5, 2017

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