Dr. Mick Mahan

3.2 ( 1 review )


Ratings for Dr. Mick Mahan


The staff are nice and Dr. Mahan is a nice guy always joking with his clients, however trying to ask him a question and actually get answer is like pulling teeth. I don't know if he doesn't have the time to get into answering questions or what, but it's very aggravating. You should be able to ask your care giver anything and get a straight direct answer. Also he has a bit of a God complex, any information/ knowledge you add to a conversation is not acknowledged and he always has to one up you and know more than you. Just know you have nothing to bring to the table and can not edify him on any subject matter. Furthermore out of all the chiropractors I've seen and been treated by, he will not listen to your suggestions about what YOU think is going on with YOUR body. If it doesn't show up on the X-ray or it doesn't fit his logic, it's not considered nor addressed. Like I said he's a nice guy, but has a big ego. And while I acknowledge I've had change working with him based on before and after X-rays, I don't feel physically much better.

Submitted Aug. 8, 2014

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