Ratings for Dr. Martin E. Olsen


He leaves all of the work on his constantly rotating med students. That’s where you get your real care. Hopefully you have a good med student. It is very hit or miss (not they’re fault they are still learning). He spends about 1 minute with you to tell you everything looks good and says see you in a month. I’m high risk. Not once has he checked my iron (which I can tell is really low). No one has checked my blood sugars for months- despite failing my one hour glucose test. Honestly, I don’t feel taken care of by this doctor and wish I could transfer to a different one within the practice. He’s a nice person but you would never know he was a doctor without his white coat on.

Submitted July 3, 2021


Dr. Martin Olsen, while a seemingly nice guy and probably a competent doctor in most cases, definitely was far from competent in dealing with me. I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured and I KNEW that was what had happened due to my symptoms being identical to my mothers when she had a cyst, When I get there he ask me about my STD screens, I had JUST had one within 3 months of that visit so I said I knew for a fact I was clean and that I didn't need one. But of course being a doctor, he decided to do one anyway. He did a syphilis and chlamydia screen and charged me a $100 EACH for them. My bill for his care was over $300 AND HE DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING! He examined me, did the STD screen, told me he couldn't feel a cyst. I later went to another gyno who sent me for an ultrasound and guess what, there was a cyst. I will NEVER return to Dr. Martin Olsen for care and I would suggest no one else should either unless you're lucky enough to have insurance that pays for everything.

Submitted July 2, 2011

Dr. Martin E. Olsen's Credentials


  • Medical College Of Ohio (Grad. 1985)