Ratings for Dr. James Clarkson


Yes the office visits may take some time but the work you'll get is well worth the wait, had surgery on both fingers & couldn't be more happier with the results & the pain level afterwards was only a 2 out of 10. Would highly recommend Dr. Clarkson

Submitted June 5, 2020


I seen Dr. Clarkson for my hand and went back to him for a breast reduction, I was more than impressed with my scaring, they are unnoticeable. I am very happy with this surgeon. His bed side manner was very professional, He spent more than enough time going through and making sure I understood everything. His staff was very courteous as well. I would definitrly recommend this doctor to anyone with the need of reconstruction. His bristish accent is what makes him even cooler, I just loved sitting and listening to him talk.

Submitted Dec. 1, 2014


I can not recommend Dr. Clarkson. After learning he does not preform the procedure I needed He still wanted to speak to me. Now I know why....he billed my insurance then billed me. This speaks volumes as to the integrity and morals of this man. Shame on him! I turned him in for insurance fraud. If this is how he rolls then I would run from him preforming any surgery on me.

Submitted Nov. 11, 2014

Dr. James Clarkson's Credentials

Accepting New Patients

Yes, this doctor is accepting new patients


James HW Clarkson, MD, FRCSC, FRCS.plas, MSC Dr. James Clarkson is a fellowship-trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon, specializing in hand and a pioneer in the field of the use of Virtual Reality for patients in the office setting. He is an assistant professor of surgery at Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine and chief of MSU Health Care’s Hand Management Unit. During his 12 years training with the British National Health Service, Dr. Clarkson received his medical degree from the Royal London Hospital of England. He completed general and plastic surgery trainings in England and Scotland. He then perfected his training through a hand and micro-vascular surgery fellowship from Keinert Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. He is board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. In 2010, Dr. Clarkson joined MSU where he launched a head and neck microvascular service. In 2016, he established the Hand Management Unit to focus on providing specialized treatments of all hand and wrist conditions. His desire to provide exceptional patient care and total comfort has led to the expansion into wide awake surgery, also known as, digital sedation. His desire to provide exceptional patient care with better access and greater safety has led to an increase in the range of hand surgery and skin grafting that may be offered in the office, assisted where needed by Virtual Reality distraction. His research includes trial data on how the efficacy of Virtual Reality technologies enhanced patient care and comfort. Other research includes the development with MSU Engineering of devices that help to standardize patient outcome assessment. At Sparrow Hospital, Dr. Clarkson provides hand/wrist/facial trauma care and surgery as well as wound reconstructive services serving as the medical director of the Sparrow Wound Clinic. Additionally, He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and sits on their Patient Safety and Health Care Delivery subcommittees.


  • London Hospital Medical College - London, England

Areas of Expertise

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Skin Cancer
  • Leg Ulcer