Ratings for Dr. Michael Wahl


Very negligent in discharge instructions and care of incisional wound. Developed MRSA in sternal wound due to this negligence. Ended up back in hospital and on IV antibiotics for 4 weeks with a wound vac. Then oral antibiotics for one month. No f/u was done to make sure infection was gone. Approx one month after the end of oral antibiotics I developed an abscess in my chest at my sternum. Required surgery again. 6 more weeks of IV antibiotics. Another wound vac. Have to be off work again after only being back for a month. Everything was completely preventable if not for the absolute negligence of all parties involved. Dr Wahl being most responsible because it was his duty as my surgeon to make sure all after care was ordered. Also not a very good bedside manner. Seems bothered to be caring for you as his patient.

Submitted March 1, 2020

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