Ratings for Dr. Marta Costa


Dr.Costa Marta, took advantage of my mental state after my TBI in a T-bone MVA. She talked me into replacing front tooth crown and said that she would give me a new thin crown that I would like. Well, she replaced it with a huge crown -- now, I am stack with a huge front tooth. I asked for the old crown back, she refused. In MVA, my head was hit twice, was unconscious, had amnesia, and so much more. My lower jaw zig-zags, I chew my inside of the left cheek, MRI shows my jaw out of sockets, yet, Marta Costa told me that I was lying. How horrible is that? Furthermore, her receptionist called my TMJ specialist saying that I was lying. There is much more to tell, I will not get into it. In my mind, she clearly didn't understand the traumatic brain injury I sustained with two blows to my head and what that did to my jaw. I am soooooo hurt by her. I had asked for my money back, to this day I have not seen the money or apology from Dr. Marta Costa.

Submitted Aug. 4, 2013