Ratings for Dr. Curtis C. Sexton


I had a bizarre and somewhat traumatic experience with this doctor. He was initially very polite and helpful, then during my last appointment with him he became very abrasive and insulting quite literally out of nowhere. I had asked the doctor a question about how the office schedules appointment times, since I usually had to wait more than an hour to see him. Mind you, I don't think I came off as rude when I brought the issue up, and I certainly wasn't upset about it. It seemed something about the question nonetheless got under his skin. Dr. Sexton then raised his voice and cursed at me. It caught me completely off-guard, because it seemed so uncharacteristic of such a normally polite man. I couldn't even speak. I quickly left the office, and Dr. Sexton actually followed me outside to my car. I plainly told him I had no plans to return to his office again, then I hurried off.

I really didn't want to post any reviews about the doctor, but then I had considered the possibility that he may be seeing young children or elderly patients. If he loses his temper with them as well, the damage could be a lot worse. Just please be advised if you have any plans to see this doctor.

Submitted Sept. 28, 2016

Dr. Curtis C. Sexton's Credentials


  • University Of Tennessee College Of Medicine (Grad. 1962)