Dr. William E. Cunico

3.2 ( 1 review )


Ratings for Dr. William E. Cunico


To Whom It May Concern, Dr. Cunico was seeing my Dad on a regular basis at least twice a week for his back and lower leg, in which Dr. Cunico told my father he would have him walking better in a couple of months. Well... there was a misunderstanding in the cost, and my father could no longer attend his sessions with Dr. Cunico and had an over costly balance he had to pay. My mother went into there office the other day to make a payment and ran into Dr. Cunico for the first time, He told her "Well... Your husband was to Old" and there was nothing i could do for him. Wow!!! I cannot believe he would have the audacity to say that, let alone contradict his diagnosis he had made for my father from the beginning. It is a shame and that's an understatement that a Doctor these days would take advantage of an elderly person just in order to string him along to bill Medicare and have no concern for Seniors! Sincerely Sadden, _DMj

Submitted Sept. 10, 2013

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