Dr. William G. Cole

4.9 ( 103 reviews )





Ratings for Dr. William G. Cole


Fatigue, joint pain, unable to sleep/rest, weight gain, etc.. were aIl reasons that I was searching for a road map to better health. I want to enjoy life instead of just going through the motions. That is when I found Dr Cole and the CHA program. His message really resonated with me and I felt his program was a good fit. I was not disappointed! Down 20 lbs, better rest, a healthier me are just some of the results that I am seeing/feeling. What a win to find Dr Cole! Thank you.

Submitted Sept. 20, 2021


Starting this program my health was at it it lowest . Fatigue , joint pain , digestive issues , insomnia . Starting Dr Cole program during the first few weeks I notice a slight increase in energy , joint pain was gone and digestive issues were getting better. After completing the program I have no joint pain, better digestive issues , no bloating , skin looking and feeling better, some new hair growth , weight loss of 18 pounds. I have had hashimotio for 36 years , completed chemo and radiation that last a year. I can see improvements with my health , I am feeling better , I still struggle with severe insomnia . I will continue to follow the plan and repeat another phase of brain detox. This program needs to be a life change not an immediate fix.

Submitted Sept. 20, 2021


I decided to join Dr. Cole and his CHA program because I was having underlying inflammatory issues, weight issues, and sinus issues that I could not get resolved with the medical community. I had gained a lot of weight thru the pandemic and I tried everything to get it off.

I learned to eat clean on the AIP protocol. The food choices that were available suited me well. I started to feel better, lose weight 24 lbs, and resolve the nagging medical items that had been affecting me.

Dr. Coles program is well worth the time, money and commitment. If you follow the plan, use everything that is available to you, you will be successful! One of the best decisions of my life.

My closing message to all. Keep going, if you quit now-you will end up right back where you first began. And when you first began, you were desperate to be right where you are now. God Bless.

Submitted Sept. 17, 2021


I decided to follow Dr. Cole's program because I felt that I wasn't being heard when I said I felt I was having thyroid issues, all the while my test results were coming back normal. The other issues I was experiencing were all weight related and the conventional method of eat less, move more has never worked.

Dr. Cole and his program targeted the health issue's I had been facing and got me on a program for long term health repair and a path of permanent weight loss. I've so far lost 42 pound, and can visibly see improvements in my health.

Compared to what I was facing before finding Dr. Cole, the program is worth the health, fitness, and quality of life I gained back.

Submitted Sept. 16, 2021


I had changed my diet as much as I could. My thyroid symptoms and gut issues were worse instead of better, osteoporosis was worsening, causing my scoliosis to worsen past 45 degrees. Because of my gut issues, I wasn’t absorbing nutrients into my bones. When I heard Dr Cole say “heal the cell to get well,” I knew this was what I needed. It’s been a journey, but the CHA program has helped me tremendously! My gut is better and thyroid symptoms never bother me. I have energy to keep up with the kids in our program! The CHA program is full of support and truly worth the investment!

Submitted Sept. 16, 2021


I was really pleased with Dr Cole’s program. I was drawn to his specific CHA program because I believed I had inflammation throughout my body and was part of my reason for weight gain for so many years. I had memory issues and brain fog. I know some of that comes with age (I’m 60) but I wasn’t having it.
My wins were I in fact lost 30 lbs during my healing journey, my brain fog and memory is better. I have learned so much about how determined I am when my “WHY” is big enough. My health coach,Amanda, was amazing. She was there when I needed a little extra accountability and nudge.
What is your healing journey worth to you? I’m not one to just be accepting of the medical communities labels for disease and problems. It is up to me to be on control of my health and healing. This program works if you are committed to work it. It was definitely worth the investment.

Submitted Sept. 14, 2021


Came to Dr. Cole’s program with a few issues and looking for some help related to brain fog, poor sleep and weight gain. Also taking thyroid medication for 25 plus years and really didn’t think it was helping much. Can’t thank Dr. Cole and my coach Taylor for all of the support and education. Having the online support materials and Facebook group tools is invaluable beyond the supplements. There is a real science to all of this. Happy to share my brain fog is gone, I am actually able to sleep 7 hours a night and lost some stubborn belly fat. My energy levels and sharpness are off the charts. The investment has been well worth it. I have learned so many things that were causing my inflammation- foods I thought were healthy have been eliminated from my diet. I have a plan in place for the future., not just for the short term.

Submitted Sept. 14, 2021


Before starting the program I had a lot of inflammation and fatigue and felt years older than my actual age. I tried many different programs and paid quite a few co pays to several different doctors to only get the same result... Nothing. I was scrolling on Facebook and came across Dr. Cole's video about Hashimotos which is what I had been diagnosed with several years ago. I watched Dr Cole's video all the way to the end and felt like he understood where I was coming from and at this point I felt as if I had nothing to lose by checking into this program. Whenever I connected with Dr Cole's staff on the initial phone call, I felt a since of relief like just maybe I had finally found someone who understood my symptoms and that I could finally have the best life I had been missing for a very long time. The investment that is required with this program is absolutely worth it. Since being on this program I have gained a great deal of knowledge about my body that I never realized I didn't know. I have also began feeling like myself again. Less fatigue, body aches and pains, inflammation and headaches to only name a few are the wins that I have achieved through this program not to mention I am down 22 lbs which is a miracle in itself. Thank you Dr Cole and your staff for everything you do to help all of us who are suffering from one disease or another and your true concern and caring for all your clients if apparent in your videos and the time you take to make sure everyone has all the knowledge throughout this program.

Submitted Sept. 11, 2021


I was tired I had lots of inflammation in my body I felt like I had to make myself get out of bed and face my day daily. I knew there had to be something that I was missing. I had tried all sorts of vitamins I had gone to many naturalist doctors but found myself never getting to the root of the problem. When I found Dr Cole on Facebook I began to watch his videos and decided to contact him for a consultation. I decided to join the program because I deserved to live my best life. I was worth the investment to my family and community. Within a few weeks I had unexplainable energy my face felt like the puffiness was not as noticeable and I felt more like me than I had in many years. During the program I lost 15 pounds I had patches of psoriasis disappear and I have had so much more energy than I have had in years. I know from experience that you can’t buy your health. I didn’t want to wait until my body was so broken that I would have to deal with major illnesses. I deserved to be healthy and happy snd live life to it’s fullest. When I thought about the cost of the program vs being sick and feeling miserable it was clear that I needed to invest in myself. After all if I’m not healthy and whole how could I invest in anyone else. I’m very thankful for the opportunity to join Dr Cole in this journey. I’m a firm believer God allowed our path to cross and the right time in my life. I’m thankful for the support and encouragement I received from the CHS team. And I’m thankful for Dr Coles knowledge of how each part of this program from the formulation of the vitamins to the exact area that is targeted works to build my body healthy and strong again.

Submitted Sept. 10, 2021


My name is Donna and I have thyroid ,high blood pressure, high cholesterol, brain fog, could barley walk due to joint pain ,not sleeping at night,and horrible fatigue. I joined Dr.Bill Cole's CHA program. In only 3 and 1/2 months I am sleeping better,no joint pain and walk, exercise again,ride my bike, have lost 21 lbs. numerous inches,some brain fog gone, my mood is so different I'm happy and love to be with people again, my shoulder doesn't hurt, and I love the recipes in this program it makes my tastebuds sing. I'm learning so much about health and how to eliminate toxins in all the products in my home. You have a beautiful group of people that are their for you everyday, Dr Bill Cole,your coach Taylor, mindset coach Stephanie and many others. I paid a lot for this program and I would pay more to have this opportunity to go thru this CHA program. I got my life and health back. Granted not every thing can happen in 4 short months but it took me years to get in bad health now I have to be patient but I'm certain I'll get 100% of my life back. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to Dr.Bill Cole and bless you and all the people associated with this program.

Submitted Sept. 9, 2021

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