Ratings for Dr. David Satloff


My story is basically the same as everyone else's. I went to Dr. Satloff for a broken filling. He told me I have Lyme disease and I am septic with HPV 16. Both to which he claims my husband has too. He then couldn't find my blatant broken filling. Instead he told me the tooth next to it had 3 infections and after a round of antibiotics I would need a route canal. He had me HOLD my film for my x Ray. His appearance was that of a sickly person with sores on his face, his hands had a rash and looked very sore and he has a tumor growing out of his stomach. It made me think of leprosy. The grass in the yard was knee high and NO one else was there. Which is unusual for any holistic practice. Holistic places have a waiting list. To my chagrin I fell for his scam and purchased his remedy for the HPV 16. But tomorrow my husband is going back to get a refund. I think this guy is a con artist and I will be reporting him.

Submitted June 12, 2017


I can't believe this dentist is still practicing. Last time I went to him was more than sixteen years ago. One scary man!!! Can't prove it, but I believe he filled cavities that were non existent. I took such good care of my teeth, flossing and brushing at every opportunity, yet cavity after cavity!!! Over time he became weirder. The last straw was when he claimed I had an infection. He sent his hygienist out to fill three prescriptions of one different antibiotic each. He held each bottle to my cheek. With his other hand he held the hand of the hygienist. When they both felt a tingle, that was deemed the correct antibiotic. She's scared me to death. I feel he ruined my mouth and way overcharged. I wish I had realized he was incompetent earlier. Again, I cannot believe he is still being allowed to practice.

Submitted July 29, 2016


I am a fairly holistic-minded individual, so I deliberately searched for a dentist covered by my insurance who seemed like-minded. I do not like unnecessary x-rays and avoid dentists who still use amalgams, so Dr. Satloff seemed like a good fit.
His office is about an hour from my house, but I thought the trip would be worthwhile. Plus, I was having tooth pain and bleeding gums and I was way overdue to see a dentist.
When I called for an appt., his receptionist was very helpful and everything seemed pretty normal. Even when I got there, I was greeted by a nice woman named Roxanne and she handed me a whole bunch of paperwork to fill out in the waiting room.
So, the waiting room — decorated in 1980s flair — is full of cobwebs. Kind of weird, I thought. And the paperwork includes a long discourse on the doctor's accomplishments, background, and practices. This was sloppily over-xeroxed at a slant onto the top page of the forms.
Finally, after my hand is practically cramped from the paperwork, I am called in to a very tiny room which is mostly taken up by the dental chair. The chair faces the wall, so the doctor sort of slithered in behind me and startled me. I was a little taken aback by his appearance. Specifically, the fact that this dentist's teeth were BEYOND yellow... I would put them in the almost-orange category. I mean really gross. And his demeanor? The word that comes to mind is "odd." Borderline creepy.
He quizzed me on everything I wrote on my sheet, most of which had nothing to do with my teeth. He never asked what DENTAL issues I had, nor was this question asked on the extensive paperwork (although there was plenty of stuff related to cosmetic dentistry).
He then proceeded to poke at my teeth, rattling off codes to his assistant. Then he holds his fingers to the side of my head like antennae and says he is checking my cranial joints. After this, he decides to obsess about a blemish near my lip. He has the assistant photograph it with what looked like a normal handheld digital camera held about 8 inches from my face.
Finally, he gets down to cleaning my teeth. This took about 10 minutes, tops. He scraped a little, polished a little. Only let me spit into the little sink once (and the water cup at the sink was USED...ewww!) The whole time he was working on my teeth his protruding belly was pressed against my head, which totally weirded me out.
So, when he's done I'm thinking he's going to tell me I need a filling or my gums are bleeding because x, y, and z or whatever. But, NO, he starts telling me what lyme disease bacterias I've tested positive for and then (with a very serious glare) informs me the blemish on my face is herpes! Which he knew from what, a digital photo? It's not like he swabbed it.
Then he hands me a sheet of paper with these findings on it in illegible handwriting and tells me to go see a lyme specialist. What about my teeth, I ask. Get x-rays, he says. Then he ushers me out.
What?!! I could barely process the whole thing because it was so weird. I went to the dentist and the only thing he told me about my teeth was "get x-rays"???
When I got home I looked up HH-V6 — the very grim herpes news he delivered — and it turns out we ALL have HH-V6.
Now I have to wait another 6 months to get a REAL dentist visit covered by my insurance.

Submitted May 4, 2016


This guy is very strange. When I first went to him, he sat and stared at me for 5 minutes and told me I had beautiful eyes. I would never go to him again.

Submitted Nov. 14, 2015


Submitted Aug. 6, 2014


My husband woke up this morning with a really bad tooth ache it was so bad his left side of his face was swollen. I sent him to this dentist this afternoon and he had a horrible experience. The doctor took one ex-ray and told him he had Lyme disease and that he probably got it from his wife. He also told him that he had Mercury and need to have that taken care of as well. I have seen the other posts and cant believe I sent my husband to this man, Next time I will do more research. He said the place was old and run down! Someone should check into this man. Oh and he also sent him home with fish oil pills, Biosode and detoxosode that was the $75.00. I am so mad at myself for sending him there!!! (My Poor husband)

Submitted June 10, 2014


i went tothis dentist for second opnion about getting my mercury filling out and he was telling i would get worse if i did and i have lyme and i need to take care of my co infections and lyme if he knew that to get better i need to have my mercury out and as well i have mold allergy wmy pcp and lyme doctors said i did and he said i did not i had blood work to prove i spent a hour and a half with this guy to tell me stuff that i already knew and he wanted to know my whole life personal history and he said that i will not get better till i address the lyme and it can be spread though saliva he said my dog or my husband get real u can get any virus or bacteria by sneezing on someone i live my self in a bubble

Submitted Feb. 28, 2014


This is the best dentist in New England. He really knows what he is doing and is the only medical professional I trust to prescribe antibiotics appropriately. The ART is the most sophisticated technique I have ever witnessed in my life. His breadth and depth of knowledge and skill is so extensive that I had Dr. Satloff visit as a guest lecturer in a class I was teaching through MITHSSP, and the students and I all learned a great deal. I agree that his personality can be a bit abrasive at times, but he only gives me a hard time when I deserve it for neglecting my oral health so badly. I don't mind it, the same way I wouldn't mind a gruff mechanic lecturing me about neglecting my brake pads and how my negligence could result in my death. Neglecting infected teeth can be fatal as well. I would not recommend Satloff to very closed-minded persons unable to trust any technique that isn't American, but other than that, I would recommend him to anyone. Very highly educated and skilled.

Submitted Oct. 8, 2013


Dr. Satloff is a dentist who utilizes kinesiology testing called ART (autonomic response testing) to diagnose his patients. he uses this method over X-rays and other traditional diagnostic testing. unfortunately this is not a tool that is reliable and before I actually knew that this is what he was doing he indicated that I had 4 teeth that required intervention of root canal therapy. I have a tremendous amount of dental work and had gone to him because I wanted to used biologically compatible materials going forward and hence had sought out a biological dentist. I foolishly permitted the first root canal to be done. the other three he sent me to his chosen endodotist. this dentist determined there was nothing wrong with my teeth. the X-rays for the tooth he did root canal on showed no evidence of a problem. this densities is dangerous. I believe he believes in what he is doing but he does not know the dangers of his testing technique.

Submitted April 8, 2013


I went to Dr. Satloff for a 2nd opinion and had the same experience as the first reviewer. He interrogated me about the paperwork I filled out, asking how I knew I was allergic to penicillin and further didn't believe that I have asthma. As if this wasn't enough, he took an xray of the tooth I said was bothering me and came back telling me I have an infection and additionally that I have Lyme Disease. He prescribed me some antibiotics and other supplements and said I would need a root canal after the infection has gone away. When I asked questions about how he could know these things without any medical tests he told me he could see them on the xray and that he did some test I was not aware of. When I asked why my doctor had missed these things at my last physical he refused to speculate.When I got home I did some research into him and also the author of the articles he gave me about Lyme Disease only to find out that there is little to no scientific basis for the things he told me.

Submitted Feb. 8, 2013

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

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Delta Dental
Dental Network Of America
United Concordia
  • UnitedHealthcare Dental