Ratings for Dr. Carol K. Powell


I was a patient of Powell's for 4 years, from 2015-2019. Afterward, I went to Mayo Clinic and was seen for neurological problems caused by medications Powell prescribed. I was told by Neurology at Mayo Clinic that they had “no idea” why I had been prescribed those medications, since they created “a dopamine war” in my brain. Additionally, Mayo Clinic has removed from my medical record all disorders for which Powell treated me. Despite Powell repeatedly telling me over the years in her care that I was “the worst bipolar patient” she had “ever seen,” I am, in fact, autistic, not bipolar. I am writing this review now, because 4 years later, I am still working to taper off highly addictive medications I never should have been on, for conditions I never had. There is no clear understanding yet if the neurological effects of these medications will be permanent, or if my body can even handle getting off of them.

Submitted July 5, 2023

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Carol K. Powell's Credentials


  • University Of Nebraska College Of Medicine (Grad. 2002)