Ratings for Dr. Randall H. Neal


Quickly prescribes drugs based on lab results taken without regard to context, patient trends, improvement or worsening of conditions. Leaves it up to the patient for lifestyle and nutritional options - offers very little help or referral in nutritional factors and diet, and doesn't offer nutritional referral options either. Embraces drugs as first option casually and this makes his approach often frightening to a cautious patient. Doesn't seem to feel the need to explain very much to patients and acts like they should take his advice instantly at face value. Visits to him become very stressful and uncomfortable for patients who like to examine options carefully. Most good doctors only prescribe a long term medication after very thorough explanation and strong proof of need, and as a last resort after other options have been thoroughly tried. Dr. Neal is quick to prescribe drugs as a first resort, with the patient having to force the issue if they want to try safer options first.

Submitted Sept. 19, 2015

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