You Would Be Surprised How Many People Date for a Free Meal, According to This Study

Cupboards looking empty? Do the contents of your fridge seem boring? So, it’s time to say ‘yes’ to one of those Internet dates.

Going on a date to get some free food may not be the best approach to snagging a great mate. But get this. According to research done by social scientists at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, going on dates for free meals is what about 23-33% of women in the dating arena actually do.

I’m not here to bash my fellow females. Hey, if you need a delish, trendy burger, whom am I to comment on how you get it? But the findings do seem surprising.

A “foodie call” as it’s named, is done by women (and likely men) with particular personality traits.

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Those who scored high is what’s called the ‘dark triad’, (does sound like something from Harry Potter, or is it me?), expressed more traditional beliefs when it came to gender roles, and they were also more likely to display signs of psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism. Men be warned.

What other so-called dark traits are a warning sign that your mate may have exploitative behavior in your relationship, besides getting you to pay for their steak on Tuesday without so much as a thank you call? One-night stands (no surprise there), faking an orgasm and sending unsolicited sexual pictures were all considered bad news.

It’s time to go Dutch and call it a night.

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