This is How Time-Restricted Eating Could Save You

Lock your eating into a 10-hour daily time frame, and watch for great results.

As the year gets ready to draw to a close and January looms ahead, you may be looking for ways to improve your health. There are so many things to try from exercising more, to sleeping enough, eating more fruits and veggies and de-stressing. And if reducing your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease is on the list, get this. 

Researchers from the Salk Institute in San Diego, California, have found that eating all your daily food within a consistent 10-hour window is good for your body. It allows you to optimize your metabolism and work with your circadian rhythms for better health. 

The idea is that you eat all your meals within a predictable 10-hour time frame each day.

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You then allow your body to rest for 14 hours, and recuperate from the stresses of digestion. Participants in a study who did this experienced many benefits. They had improved sleep, a 3 to 4% reduction in body weight, abdominal fat and body mass index, reduced blood pressure and cholesterol, and improvements in their blood sugar and insulin levels. 

“Adapting this 10-hour time-restricted eating is an easy and cost-effective method for reducing symptoms of metabolic syndrome and improving health,” adds Panda. “By delaying the onset of diabetes by even one year in a million people with prediabetes, the intervention could save roughly 9.6 billion dollars in healthcare costs.”

Time-restricted eating may not be for everyone. For some, however, it could be a simple way to grab hold of the health reigns and keep them steady. 

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