These Men Cured Their Erectile Dysfunction Without Medication

If you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction, lifestyle changes could be all you need to get your engine running.

Has high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or excess weight gain resulted in a slow sex life?

Sometimes nature deals us irreversible cards. But sometimes the road isn’t entirely set in stone.

Researchers from the University of Adelaide in Australia studied a group of 80 men between the ages of 35 and 80 years old. Over 5 years, it was found that slightly over 30% of the individuals in the study developed an inability to stay erect long enough to have sex.

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Most often, the cause of this was a physical problem. Being overweight or obese came into play. So did problems sleeping, age and having a high level of alcohol intake.

But get this. On the bright side, almost 30% of the men who developed erectile problems also cured them on their own. They implemented natural changes to their lifestyle with success. In essence, they overcame their problem without resorting to medication.

“Our study saw a large proportion of men suffering from some form of erectile dysfunction, which is a concern,” said Professor Gary Wittert, the study’s lead author.

“The good news is, our study also found that a large proportion of men were naturally overcoming erectile dysfunction issues… This shows that many of these factors affecting men are modifiable, offering them an opportunity to do something about their condition,” he added.

Professor Wittert also commented that, even when a patient requires medication to overcome their erectile dysfunction, it’s often considerably more effective when paired with a healthier lifestyle.

For more on erectile dysfunction and battling it, click here.

Photo credits: graham oakes/

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