It’s Alcohol Awareness Month: How Much is Ok?

Problem drinking can build up over years, but help is out there.

This past weekend, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) held Alcohol-Free Weekend. It marks the second weekend in April, a month dedicated to raising awareness about the use of alcohol across the country.

Alcohol-Free Weekend posed an invitation to all Americans. It asked people to go without an alcoholic drink for 3 days.

Related: Are You Addicted to Alcohol? Here Are 6 Typical Signs

Those who found this hard to do were, (and are), encouraged to contact their local NCADD affiliate, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and/or Al-Anon. These organizations can help you learn more about alcoholism, and detecting the early signs.

The groups can also lead you to get help for a long-time problem habit, if it’s forming.

Just how severe is alcoholism in the U.S? It’s estimated that as many as 20 million individuals and their family members are currently living lives in recovery. But knowing you have a problem with alcohol addiction isn’t always straightforward.

Drink Limits

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines a heavy drinker as someone who has had over 4 drinks in about 2 hours, on 5 or more days in the last month.

For men, this limit is 5 or more drinks during this time span. For women, it amounts to 4 or more.

What’s a healthy limit? Women who intake 3 or less drinks on a single day, (to a maximum of 7 drinks per week), are considered low-risk drinkers.

For their part, men who drink up to 4 drinks on any single day, and no more than 14 drinks per week are doing well.

If you’re worried that you, or someone you know, could have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, seek help.

Take this quick online test with the NCADD and find out where you sit.

Photo credits: Africa Studio/

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