How Getting More Sleep = A Better Sex Life

How Getting More Sleep = A Better Sex Life

Sex drive lagging? A low desire to engage in sexual activity can have many causes, but research shows that getting more sleep can sometimes be the only cure needed for speeding up the intimacy engine.

In a study published in the The Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers analyzed the sexual distress, anxiety and depression levels in female college students and how they related to the hours of sleep these women got.

Not entirely surprisingly, researchers found that the more sleep participants had, the more likely they were to engage in sexual activity in the next 24 hours, if they were in a romantic relationship.

The participants also reported greater levels of vaginal lubrication after receiving extra hours of sleep.

“If there’s anything women or their partners can do to help promote good sleep for one another, whether it’s helping out around the house to reduce workload, planning romantic getaways, or just practicing good sleep hygiene, it could help protect against having problems in the bedroom,” the study’s author David Kalmbach told CBS

According to a report on the, sex burns approximately 150 calories per half hour, which is about equivalent to taking a brisk, one-hour walk, and it’s been proven that people who have a more robust sex life report handling stress better.

So, getting that extra hour or so of sleep could potentially have ramifications not only in your sex life, but in overall health and well-being.

A great reason to leave those dirty dishes on the counter for the morning, and tuck in tight under the covers a little early.

Photo Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

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