Here Are 5 Things That Give You Nasty Ingrown Hairs

Here Are 5 Things That Give You Nasty Ingrown Hairs

Most ingrown hairs go away on their own- they are absorbed by your body or they grow out, but some persist. And this can be a problem.

If you have been blessed enough to experience a nasty ingrown hair on your skin, you know it’s not fun.

The hair grows back into the skin and causes irritation that can be painful and distracting.

Most ingrown hairs go away on their own- they are absorbed by your body or they grow out, but some persist. And this can be a problem.

Occasionally, they can even become buried deep in the skin, like this guy’s incredibly long ingrown hair. Worth a watch.

But what we want to get at in this article is, why do some people get these problems in the first place?

Here’s how to treat ingrown hairs and 5 reasons why those bumpy buggers come a knockin’:

1) You Had the Nerve to Grow Curly Hair

Curly hair likes to twist and turn, and having it can make you more prone to getting ingrown hairs. When you shave or cut your curly hair, as it grows out, there is a greater likelihood that it will bend back on itself.

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And once it decides to adventure back into your epidermis, it’s all downhill.

2) You Use Dull Razor Blades

Everyone has their own shaving method that works best for them. That being said, some believe that pulling back on your hair or skin while you’re shaving can do no good.

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And if you find you need to dig in or stretch things out to really get that hair off at the root, it might be your razor. You might actually be hacking away with a dull blade. Doing this could make you more likely to irritate your skin, which can cause ingrown hairs.

3) You’re Not Exfoliating on Time- Oh, the Horrors

If you exfoliate after shaving rumor has it that you are less likely to trap those hairs under your skin. Getting that excess skin off can help. It keeps things clear and keeps dead skin from clogging up your pores.

4) Your Clothing is Too Tight

Wearing tight underwear? Aren’t we all, but if it’s TOO tight, it could be holding that hair too close to your skin. And this can cause your hair to grow back in the wrong direction. Loose fitting clothing that allows air to reach your skin is ideal.

5) You’re Doing it All in the Wrong Direction

If and when you shave or wax, it can be helpful to follow the traffic. Many of us shave against the natural growth of our hair, but apparently we’re supposed to shave with it. This prevents extra short stubble from getting caught under the razor, and causing irritation that can lead to nasty ingrown pieces.

6) You’re Tweezing

Tweezing your hair can leave a hair fragment under your skin, which can lead to an ingrown hair.

If you do end up with ingrown hair anyways, even after following this guide (!) know that treatment is easy.

Related: Trim Your Nose Hairs, But Not Too Much

Chronic ingrown hairs can lead to bacterial infection and permanent scarring among other complications so it’s good to deal with them if they don’t go away.

Try home-grown methods and see your doctor.

Photo Credit: Nejron Photo/Shutterstock

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