Fall Fitness: Adapting Your Workout for the New Season

Fall Fitness: Adapting Your Workout for the New Season

Fall’s approaching, and with it comes the shorter, colder days that would dampen the spirits on anyone’s outdoor summer fitness regimen.

With the changing of the seasons comes an opportunity to try something new, too. Check out these three sports that will keep your workouts varied and fresh, keeping you motivated to stay fit through the fall and proceeding winter months.

Hot Yoga

If you’ve gotten your yoga flow on over the summer in outdoor yoga classes at your local park, maintain that yoga game by heading indoors for a hot yoga class.

Hot yoga keeps you comfy indoors, so when the weather gets frigid outside, you’ll stay nice and warm in the heated room. This type of yoga is a calorie burner, and a fantastic cardiovascular workout. The high room temperatures assists in bringing your heart rate up, too.

Don’t forget to hydrate before (and during, and after) every hot yoga session!


Nothing beats cycling outdoors as a form of cardio exercise, but it becomes less appealing with colder, wetter weather.

If you’re a die-hard cyclist, why not give spinning classes a twirl this fall? You don’t get to experience the great outdoors, but you do trade that fresh air for other perks: motivation from a dedicated trainer, a team environment, and a chance to be social and meet new friends.

Spinning has outstanding benefits to your health; a 30-minute workout can burn 675 calories, for example. The sprint cycling techniques used in spinning is a solid workout for the legs and exterior area (bum), as well as a boon to cardiovascular activity.

Trail Running

Hey, some sports are worth toughing out a bit of chilliness and rain for – trail running is one of them.

Is running outside in the fall so bad? Summer can sometimes be much too hot for running, making the cooler fall months ideal for an outdoor run. Trail running continues to add variation to your routine, rather than the monotony of road running, not to mention the more challenging terrain and ups and downs that actually improve your health (assuming you conquer them).

Trail running is also extremely simple to pick up.  National Cross Country Running champion, fitness coach and trail runner Lesley Paterson, explains how easy it is to get into the sport: “Just find a local park or trail, and just run!”

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