Don’t ignore these subtle signs of adult ADHD

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common chronic condition that affects more than a million Canadians, according to data from the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada.

The disorder can sometimes have a genetic component, and is typically complex and difficult to understand, says Roseann Capanna-Hodge, PsyD, Pediatric Mental Health Expert and the founder of Dr. Roseann and Associates.

“ADHD comprises a combination of issues that may include difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, as well as poor executive functioning,” she says. “It can impact a child’s or an adult’s focus, learning, social, and school or work functioning.”

But in adults, the symptoms can be very subtle, and therefore easily ignored. Here are a few common signs of ADHD in adults that you could be unaware of.

You have a history with ADHD

Adult ADHD doesn’t happen without childhood ADHD first, says Eric Lifshitz, MD, a psychiatrist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica.

Past problems with concentration, focus, organization, and memory your whole life is the primary criteria in diagnosing ADHD in adults.

“For adults with ADHD the issues have persisted all their lives. If the problems are a new phenomenon, then it’s not ADHD,” he explains. “There are many, many other reasons that adults can develop these issues, including depression and stress.”

Related: 4 Things You Didn’t Know about ADHD (But Should)

You’re always 10 minutes late

Never seem to make any engagements on time? If you just can’t seem to make it at the agreed upon time no matter what you do, you may have ADHD.

And chances are you’re as irritated by your chronic lateness as everyone else is.

“They’re not trying to be rude; adults with ADHD just have an extremely difficult time with time management,” Dr. Lifshitz says. “They underestimate the amount of time routine tasks, like finding their keys and shoes, will take.”

Your house is full of UFOs (unfinished objects)

If your home is perpetually filled with half-finished craft projects, piles of half-read books, and growing loads of laundry, this is another silent sign of adult ADHD.

Photo credit: Andrii Zastrozhnov/

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