Coronavirus: Who Needs a Face Mask (and Who Doesn’t)

If you live in an area experiencing an outbreak, or you are a healthcare worker servicing those already infected, sure, grab one. Otherwise…

There is a run on hand sanitizer, face masks and entire Costco stores, in some places. What’s next, gas stations?

The coronavirus crisis worldwide is sending shoppers into a frenzy. But as we all stock up on crackers, diapers, face masks and our “essentials”, you could be asking yourself, do I really need this stuff?

It’s true that you might need those new paper towels, as Amazon is said to be running very low on them, but you can likely leave the face masks at the store and online.

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if you are presently experiencing flu-like symptoms, if you live in an area currently experiencing an outbreak of the coronavirus, or if you are a healthcare worker treating coronavirus patients you should wear a medical face mask. Everyone else, however, can feel free to have a naked chin. And cheeks, (unless, of course, you are growing that spring beard).

A face mask could prevent you from breathing in infected droplets if you are standing within about 6 feet of someone who has the coronavirus and they sneeze. But it likely won’t protect you much further than that.

In fact, having a mask on could actually increase your chances of falling ill with something, as it could encourage you to touch your face more often while fixing the mask’s placement on your face. Washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your eyes and face are two of the best ways to ensure you stay healthy. (Easier said than done).

For more on this issue, click here.

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