5 Ways to Deal with Dry Eyes

5 Ways to Deal with Dry Eyes

Dry eyes might seem like nothing – just cut an onion, your friend might say – but they can lead to serious discomfort.

It can lead to gritty, stinging, burning, or painful sensations, and your vision can even become blurry. Luckily, there are easy ways to find comfort when your eyes feel like the Sahara.

Artificial tears

When you don’t have enough natural tears, artificial tears can help you find some real relief. ‘Tear supplements’ come in drops, gels, gel inserts, and ointments, and can be found over the counter at your pharmacy.

Wraparound Frame Sunglasses

These types of sunglasses shield your eyes from sun, wind, and dust, preventing the evaporation of tears. If you’re indoors, ask you optician for moisture-chamber glasses and googles, which trap moisture around your eyes.


A humidifier is a non-invasive and simple way to add moisture to dry indoor air. This is especially beneficial in the winter, when indoor heating can leave the air parched. If you’re in the car, avoid having the A/C vents blasting in your face; readjust, or set it to the foot vent setting.

Related: Forget About Carrots – Oranges are the Best for Your Eyes


Blinking naturally moves tears around your eyes, keeping them moist. So, blink often. This is more important if you’re staring at a computer screen all day, as we tend to focus and not blink as much. This applies to when you’re reading, too.


This healthy fat both improves tear quality, and decreases inflammation in the eyes. They’re readily found in oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna. Other sources include flax seeds, walnuts, and soybean and canola oils. If you somehow don’t like any of those options, consider omega-3 supplements.

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.com; Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.com

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