4 techniques to help you sleep better

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s no surprise many people have had trouble sleeping.

COVID-19 is a major source of stress and anxiety that virtually no one is immune to.

If you are experiencing sleep problems, try one of the following techniques designed to help you find a more restful and restorative sleep.

Transform your sanctuary

Your bedroom is primarily for sleep, so do everything you can to make it the calmest room in your home. If you live in the city or another noisy environment which is causing you to lose Z’s, try using ear plugs.

Try apps and devices that play white noise, which have been shown to help people fall asleep.

Set the perfect temperature

To fall asleep fast and sleep soundly throughout the night, your bedroom shouldn’t be too hot or cold. Find your ideal temperature; between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius (between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit) is a good starting range for most. You can use an air conditioner or heater to help find and maintain your perfect sleeping temperature.

Invest in a good mattress

If you can’t remember when or where you bought your mattress, it’s time to buy a new mattress. Mattresses are typically good for 8 to 10 years – but beyond that, they become less and less comfortable and more likely to negatively impact your sleep. You may start to have difficulty falling asleep and your slumber may be less restorative than it used to be.

Related: Should you still be sleeping in on weekends?

Then get a better pillow

After investing hundreds of dollars into a mattress, you don’t want to cheap out on a bargain pillow. A good pillow supports your neck and spinal column, but won’t last forever. Ideally, you should replace it every year.

Photo credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.com; zhu difeng/Shutterstock.com

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